Santiago de Chile, 28 de julio de 2011. (Radio del Mar)– La compañía salmonera de capitales noruegos Cermaq, reconoció que sus ovas contaminadas con el virus ISA provenientes de su producción nórdica, habrían sido las responsables de infectar las jaulas salmoneras en Chile en 2007. Sin embargo el Servicio Nacional de Pesca (Sernapesca), descartó esta tesis, pues un informe de la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal, afirma que no hay suficiente evidencia para confirmar lo reconocido por la empresa noruega.
Según la edición de este jueves del diario The New York Times, Lise Bergan, portavoz de Cermaq, la compañía «ha apoyado un estudio científico que concluye que los huevos de salmón que Noruega envió a Chile es la ‘razón más probable’ para el brote del virus en 2007 «.
El virus ISA se detectó primero en jaulas salmoneras de la otra compañía noruega que opera en Chile, Marine Harvest, y desde 2007 generó la casi total paralización de la industria, produjo pérdidas de más de 2 mil millones de dólares y dejó a más de 20 mil trabajadores cesantes.
Pero lo más grave es que esta situación introdujo un nuevo virus a aguas chilenas debilitando el patrimonio sanitario de todas costas de la zona sur austral del país.
Luego del informe de Cermaq que fue elaborado por la Universidad de Bergen y publicado en la revista científica Archivos de Virología, la compañía AquaGen, que produce ovas para Cermaq y Marine Harvest, solicitó a la Comisión Científica de Noruega otro estudio, el que concluyó que durante 2006 y 2007 hubo varias empresas que enviaron ovas a Chile.
Frente al rol de Sernpesca, y a las autoridades chilenas de no persistir en investigar y pesquisar a los responsables de esta infección del patrimonio sanitario, el director del Centro Ecoceanos, Juan Carlos Cárdenas afirmó que «ahora que Aqua Gen ha sido identificada como la empresa responsable, ¿Cuál será la posición del gobierno chileno en defensa del interés nacional?
El reportaje de NY Times dijo el director de Ecoceanos cuestiona «la credibilidad del sistema, especialmente ahora que el gobierno chileno ha anunciado el endurecimiento de sanciones a las empresas salmoneras que vulneren las regulaciones sanitarias, lo que se une a la información entregada por el Diario Finaciero en Noruega indicando que ya se había pagado 1 millón de dólares en reparaciones» (ver http://www.dailyfinance.com/2009/06/20/virus-from-norway-destroys-chiles-salmon-industry/).
«La sociedad chilena espera que se le diga la verdad sobre los responsables de la mayor crisis sanitaria y social provocada en el sur de Chile», afirmó Juan Carlos Cárdenas.
Frente a la introducción del Virus ISA en Chile, la diputada Marisol Turres solicitó a los tribunales que investigue las responsabilidades por esta infección de las aguas chilenas, pero en 2010, la Justicia cerró la investigación sin encontrar culpables. Esta semana, la diputada Turres informó que solicitará a los tribunales que reabrán la investigación.
he New York Times, 27th July 2011
SÃO PAULO, Brazil — A virus that has killed millions of salmon in Chile and ravaged the fish farming industry there was probably brought over from Norway, a major salmon producer has acknowledged.
Cermaq, a state-controlled Norwegian aquaculture company that has become one of the principal exporters of salmon from Chile, has endorsed a scientific study concluding that salmon eggs shipped from Norway to Chile are the “likely reason” for the outbreak of the virus in 2007, according to Lise Bergan, a company spokeswoman.
But, she argued, “the report didn’t pinpoint any company” as the culprit.
The virus, infectious salmon anaemia, or I.S.A., was first reported at a Chilean salmon farm owned by Marine Harvest, another Norwegian company. It quickly spread through southern Chile, racking a fishing business that had become one of the country’s biggest exporters during the past 15 years. The Chilean industry, whose major clients include the United States and Brazil, suffered more than $2 billion in losses, saw its production of Atlantic salmon fall by half and had to lay off 26,000 workers.
The outbreak in Chile also revealed structural problems within the industry, including overcrowding in pens that environmentalists say probably helped speed the spread of the virus. Since then, the industry and the Chilean government have instituted a wide range of reforms to try to contain outbreaks, but despite extensive efforts to rein it in the virus continues to spread.
Last week, Chilean authorities said 23 production centers were suspected of having the virus, but of the nonvirulent type. There have been no reported outbreaks of virulent I.S.A. this year, officials said.
As the disease has spread, the industry has continued to push farther south, shifting cultivation away from the virus-afflicted areas. While the virus is not harmful to humans, some buyers, like the supermarket giant Safeway, restricted imports from Chile because of it.
Since 1984, when it was first diagnosed in Norway, the I.S.A. virus had an outbreak in every major salmon-farming region in the world except British Columbia, said Don Staniford, the global coordinator for the Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture, a nongovernmental organization.
“Once it is discovered, it is impossible to get rid of,” he said.
The scientific study at the University of Bergen linking the virus to eggs was commissioned by Cermaq and first published in 2008 in the Archives of Virology. But in early 2009, shortly after publication, a Norwegian company that breeds fish eggs, Aqua Gen — which is partly owned by both Cermaq and Marine Harvest — filed a formal complaint about the study with Norway’s National Commission for the Investigation of Scientific Misconduct, arguing that the science was flawed.
Patrick Dempster, general manager of Aqua Gen in Chile, said that Aqua Gen complained about the study because in 2006 they became the principal exporter of salmon eggs to Chile and were worried about losing business over concern about any vertical transmission connection with Norway.
The commission ruled on April 6 that there had been no scientific misconduct, clearing the three authors from the University of Bergen. Mr. Dempster said Aqua Gen stood by a study from the University of Prince Edward Island that concluded that the virus most likely entered Chile in 1996, when Aqua Gen was not exporting fish eggs to Chile. He noted that between 1996 and 2007 “a multitude” of Chilean and Norwegian companies sent eggs from Norway to Chile.
“We initiated that research because we wanted to understand how I.S.A. was transmitted,” Ms. Bergan said. “Before that, the scientific consensus” was that the virus “could not be transmitted by eggs.”
But while Cermaq has accepted the study’s findings, Chile’s own National Fishing Service, Sernapesca, said it did not necessarily support them. Instead, Sernapesca referred to the conclusion of the World Organization for Animal Health, which has said that there is insufficient evidence that the I.S.A. virus can be transmitted through eggs.
“Since the start of the I.S.A. outbreak, Sernapesca incorporated regulations both for the importing of eggs and for the production of eggs” in Chile, the agency said in response to e-mailed questions.
The University of Prince Edward Island study, by Frederick Kibeng, an I.S.A. expert, was commissioned by Marine Harvest. It showed that some I.S.A. virus strains in Chile diverged from Norwegian strains around 1996. The study “does not confirm” vertical transmission, but “it cannot be ruled out as a possible route of transmission,” said Jorgen Christiansen, a spokesman for Marine Harvest.
Cermaq, which described itself as the leading exporter of salmon from Chile in the first quarter of this year, has also developed methods for screening the I.S.A. virus, invested in new facilities and moved its production of young Atlantic salmon to facilities on land, Ms. Bergan said.
Norway and Chile have become intertwined by their farmed-fish industries. Norway has the largest aquaculture industry in the world, but Chile is often viewed as the salmon market of the future, with room for rapid expansion. The governments have a cooperation treaty to exchange scientific and technical knowledge in aquaculture.
Pascale Bonnefoy contributed reporting from Santiago, Chile.
Read also in the New York Times:
«Chile’s Antibiotics Use on Salmon Farms Dwarfs That of a Top Rival’s» (26th July 2009):http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/27/world/americas/27salmon.html
«Chile Takes Steps to Rehabilitate Its Lucrative Salmon Industry» (4th February 2009):http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/world/americas/05salmon.html
«Saving Wild Salmon, in Hopes of Saving the Orca» (3rd November 2008):http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/04/science/04prof.html?_r=1
«Safeway Restricts Purchases of Chilean Salmon» (17th April 2008):http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/17/world/americas/17chile.html
«Salmon Virus Indicts Chile’s Fishing Methods» (27th March 2008):http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/27/world/americas/27salmon.html
«NY TIMES AD CALLS ON SAFEWAY TO STOP SELLING FARMED SALMON» (22nd June 2007): http://www.georgiastrait.org/?q=node/451