04 - marzo - 2025

Pasarelas internacionales de la Moda se inspiran en cultura Mapuche y Comercio Justo


La empresa VOZ y la diseñadora estadounidense Jasmine Aarons, junto a artesanas mapuche se unieron para realizar una colección de moda de lujo inspirada en este pueblo indígena del Cono Sur de América.




El Trabajo

La pasarela

Jasmine Aarons is a graduate of Stanford’s design school, an artist whose quest to learn about indigenous design drew her to study craftwork with the Quero Shamans in the Peruvian Andes and with contemporary artisans in Cuzco, Pero– the portal to Macchu Piccu.

Seeking a more active way of aiding the people whose craftiwork told stories of history and ceremony, she travelled to Southern Chile on a Haas post-graduate fellowship to offer Stanford’s d.school-styled design innovation to Mapuche (Chile’s indigenous inhabitants) weavers where she began working with the Chol Chol Foundation to pilot workshops and prototype designs. This work, thus, lead her to Start-Up Chile with her startup, VOZ– one of the few social projects in the program’s repertoire of 100+ startups.

Accepted as part of 2011′s first application round, she arrived to Chile in June and immediately made her home in Temuco, a town in Chile’s patagonia, ripe with artisan culture where she began working with a group of traditional Mapuche weavers. Her goal, with VOZ, is to vitalize ethical trade and change the way people think about fashion, bringing more high-paying work to artisans around the world. She has been received overwhelmingly warmly by the Mapuche women and her design workshops have revolutionized their view of production and design.


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