23 - marzo - 2025

Aqui accede a la información de los tres terremotos registrados este miércoles en Chile

Significant EarthquakesPast 30 Days

  1. 6.425km W of Illapel, Chile2015-09-16 23:18:42 UTC31.1 km deep
  2. 6.371km W of Illapel, Chile2015-09-16 22:59:17 UTC47.8 km deep
  3. 8.354km W of Illapel, Chile2015-09-16 22:54:32 UTC25.0 km deep
  4. 4.013km SSE of Big Bear Lake, California



Data Source US1

Map showing extent (w,s,e,n) = (-76.4247, -36.5871, -66.4247, -26.5871)
31.587°S 71.425°W depth=31.1 km (19.3 mi)View interactive map


  1. 2015-09-16 23:18:42 (UTC)
  2. 2015-09-16 19:18:42 (UTC-04:00) in your timezone
  3. Times in other timezones

Nearby Cities

  1. 25km (16mi) W of Illapel, Chile
  2. 47km (29mi) WNW of Salamanca, Chile
  3. 97km (60mi) N of La Ligua, Chile
  4. 109km (68mi) SSW of Monte Patria, Chile
  5. 219km (136mi) NNW of Santiago, Chile


Data Source US1

Map showing extent (w,s,e,n) = (-76.9145, -36.5413, -66.9145, -26.5413)
31.541°S 71.915°W depth=47.8 km (29.7 mi)View interactive map


  1. 2015-09-16 22:59:17 (UTC)
  2. 2015-09-16 18:59:17 (UTC-04:00) in your timezone
  3. Times in other timezones

Nearby Cities

  1. 71km (44mi) W of Illapel, Chile
  2. 93km (58mi) WNW of Salamanca, Chile
  3. 119km (74mi) NNW of La Ligua, Chile
  4. 124km (77mi) SSW of Ovalle, Chile
  5. 243km (151mi) NNW of Santiago, Chile


Data Source US3

Map showing extent (w,s,e,n) = (-76.7374, -36.562799999999996, -66.7374, -26.5628)
31.563°S 71.737°W depth=25.0 km (15.5 mi)View interactive map


  1. 2015-09-16 22:54:32 (UTC)
  2. 2015-09-16 18:54:32 (UTC-04:00) in your timezone
  3. Times in other timezones

Nearby Cities

  1. 54km (34mi) W of Illapel, Chile
  2. 76km (47mi) WNW of Salamanca, Chile
  3. 109km (68mi) NNW of La Ligua, Chile
  4. 118km (73mi) SSW of Ovalle, Chile
  5. 233km (145mi) NNW of Santiago, Chile

Últimas Informaciones

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